"Words travel worlds. Translators do the driving."
Anna Rusconi

who are we?
metáfora sees three freelance translators join forces.
After completing our studies at the respective faculties of translation and interpreting in Geneva (FTI) and Zurich (ZHAW), we decided to pool our resources on both an interpersonal and a professional level. We envisaged a translation group in direct contact with our clients, offering tailored support and excellent quality, as well as professional services to the best possible deadlines.
We offer translations of texts of all kinds from German, English and Spanish into French. To accommodate a vast array of enquiries, we also chose to surround ourselves with trusted professional translators to take care of translations into other languages.

We juggle words and cultures to translate your texts into French with precision and elegance, all the while ensuring suitability for your target audience.
To ensure our translations are of excellent quality, your texts will always be translated by mother-tongue translators and checked by a second translator as per the four-eye principle. As well as taking great care with our formulations and precise terminology use, we afford particular importance to cultural aspects, which have to be adapted to your target audience. What’s more, metáfora translators use translation memory software to guarantee consistent terminology throughout.
We polish your texts with a focus on vocabulary, style and structure to improve their quality and ensure that they are well received by your readers.
Have you written a text but aren’t entirely satisfied with its style or your choice of words? Entrust your text to the metáfora translators, who will rework it, improving clarity and coherence.
We proofread the final version of your texts paying special attention to any formal aspects and linguistic accuracy.
Grammar, typos, word breaks, layout: we correct any final punctuation, spelling and grammar mistakes and make sure your text adheres to writing conventions.